Rewilding One million hectares of thandi’s homeland…

Get Involved


Support our fundraisers with a direct donation – 100% of your donation will go to the Conservation Landscapes Institute – a non-profit organisation registered in South Africa.


Help Expand the message by joining our virtual team of volunteers – we are looking for help with social media support, fundraising, website management and project co-ordination.

7 day expedition

An unforgettable experience…

Our Mission

Improve lives by connecting people with nature.

Protect one of the world’s most biodiverse areas in South Africa called the Albany Biodiversity Corridor and share the knowledge globally.

For thandi and our planet

Why rewild?

Rejuvenating the lands where Thandi and her kind once roamed freely creates huge impacts locally, regionally and globally. The simple act of removing fences and allowing mega herbivores like Rhino and Elephant to wander, kickstarts a chain of ecological regeneration of the land and animals. Regionally this regeneration ensures future generations of a sustaining landscape. Globally, healthy wild spaces are essential to the survival of the human race.

  • Remove Fences
  • Protect & Expand Fauna
  • Empower Communities
  • Share Knowledge
  • Protect & safeguard the landscape


Thandi – first Rhino ever to survive poaching. Now mother to 5 calves and 2 grand-calves.

Thandi and her calf – Mthetho


Hectares of conserved land, spanning 3 municipalities and many land owners – provides the precedent and template for further expansion.


Local children graduated from the social and emotional education programme run by the Kariega foundation.


hectares of dusty farmland decimated by draught – now a rich grassland supporting a huge ecosystem, despite the current 8 year draught
Community empowerment

Real people.
Real transformation

Without the support of the local people who live in this landscape, it is impossible to achieve sustainability. The conservation and community model is an integral part of the strategy. These are some of the stories.


A young man with a passion for flying who has become a commercially qualified pilot flying anti poaching reconnaissance flights and drones. Sisekho is an amazing inspiration to a whole new generation of young people.

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Anti Poaching Unit

The Kariega anti poaching unit is a stand out example with the majority of the team coming from the local community. Funded directly by the Kariega Foundation, this unit supports many local families and provides a vital role in the protection of endangered species.

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Alien Species

Boot strapping a team of young men from the local community to remove alien invasive plant species – providing equipment, training and part time work contracts, the the freedom to offer themselves for projects to other areas.

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